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 lives in Orlando and loves it

 writes and reads poetry

 loves reading other things too

 jumps rope

 loves the past

 prefers cool weather

 drinks too much coffee

 wrote his first Facebook post on New Years's Eve 2009 and it said "is watching Anderson Cooper in Times Square and managing his financial plan"

 tries new things and finds that he enjoys them, like opera

 thinks being in the womb must feel like being in the  stacks of a quiet library

 studied Anthropology and Community Development

 loves the future

 plays and listens to music (some people don't like music apparently)

 misses the Netherlands

 likes beer

 wants to visit the Whirlpool Galaxy

 isn't worried

 is Midwest-born, Florida-raised

 is a doting father

 is a tolerable husband

 works hard

 sometimes performs at poetry open mics

 still daydreams about being a rock star

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